Quality Education is a Right for All

Quality Education is a Right for All

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a series of goals that the United Nations set to help achieve a better future for people and the planet. These goals address issues such as poverty, hunger, the environment, and education, and strive for sustainability. SDGs help us start to make changes for the better by separating different topics into different goals to better categorize issues and learn more about them. Goals also create a way for people to pinpoint where they aim to reach in the future. For our humanities class in school, we studied SDGs and global issues, and were asked to choose a goal to write about. I choose SDG 4: Quality Education, because that’s something I value and I wanted to focus on.

Have you ever complained about school? Well, an education is necessary to be active and successful in the real world and to achieve things in life and helps kids be involved in the world and participate to make it a better place. Yet, many kids don’t get that quality education. The lack of a quality education negatively affects people around the world and is a global crisis that impacts the way people can function in their daily lives, but it is an issue that can be solved by giving all people the right to a quality education, regardless of who they are, their current situation, wealth, race, ect. 

Without a quality education, people cannot be as successful and independent in the real world. People around the world aren’t getting a decent education, and there are dire consequences. According to the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), “6 out of 10 children and adolescents are not achieving a minimum level of proficiency in reading and math.” This global issue prevents people from having a quality life, work, and being successful and active in the real world. If all people have the right to a quality education where students  learn information valuable to their success in the real world, as well as access to that education, it would help solve this problem.
Benefits of everyone having the right to a quality education
Is that more people will be able to complete daily tasks such as reading and writing, and will be more likely to get a decent job and life, and possibly take action to make the world a better place. With an education, it is easier to get a quality job, earn a living, and contribute their skills to the world. Fewer people would suffer from no education or a poor quality education, and would be more academically involved in school and in the world. A quality education includes people having the chance to experience learning instead of simply being taught how to do something, which helps people learn better. As the organization NAAEE states, “Hands-on, experiential learning has been linked to physical and emotional development, in addition to cognitive development.” If a hands-on learning experience could be provided for all, it would greatly affect people’s performance in school and in the real world. That is just one of the benefits of children being given such education.
Many organizations recognize that this is a real issue and are working towards giving kids access to a decent education, such as the UNDP and Unicef. People can help solve the education crisis by donating books, materials, and money to local schools and organizations, as well as raising awareness to this issue or getting in touch with organizations like The Global Goals on social media. Schools that adapt a hands-on, progressive model of education also help to make quality education a reality for those who can afford it, but sadly, not everyone else.
A quality education means an experiential, friendly environment for students that they are able to access and learn in, no matter who they are, where they live, or the situations they are in. Quality education is and should be a universal right for all, and it is an important factor that contributes to people’s success and quality of life on Earth. 


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